Shin Angyo Onshi-The Characters Munsu000A seemingly scoundrel at first sight.(Angyo Onshi are supposed to travel in disguise) Despite having Sando as a bodyguard, Munsu is a major kick-ass gun fighter in his own right. When meeting up with the guilty or the outlaw ones he can become very fierce and cold-hearted, especially if those are the ones associated with the death of the emperor in the past. He carries different types of guns as weapons.(usually those who aren’t Angyo Onshi are forbidden to posses guns) However, Munsu has a symptom of asthma and if he doesn’t get to breath with his special equipment once he exercises too hard it can be a very dangerous situation, and only for this reason does he allow Sando to stick with him. I just love the way he sneers!^_^ Munsu’s character is borrowed from an actual Korean Angyo Onshi whose name was Pak Munsu who lived from 1691-1756.
 Sando000Sando’s actual name is Shunhyan.(and her name too is borrowed from the famous Korean tale Shin Shunka Den which Clamp did one manga on it) She was a girlfriend of Monryo whom Munsu had met on his way before he was killed by the desert creatures. Sando was trained sword fighting since she was a child and is a deadly fighter who can wield a huge blade as if it’s a pocket knife. However, she is afraid of height and despite her fighting skill, Sando is a very sweet and naive girl. She has a strong distaste of wicknedness and immorality which gave Munsu a hell of a headache at the beginning of their journey together whether he should continue to let her follow him.(Munsu usually uses tricks or deception to trap his enemies and shoot them from the back, and that’s the chief reason his purpose is misunderstood sometimes) The master-servant relationship between them is very fascinating.
 Monryo000A good-natured and determined boy. He came upon Munsu who was dehydrated in the desert and rescued him. Monryo wanted to take an exam to become Angyo Onshi so he can take his girlfriend(Shunhyan) who was captured by the bad governor back and punish him. Unfortunately, a group of Sarinjers or the desert creatures attacked them and he was killed. Munsu hence went to Monryo’s hometown to finish his will, and met Shunhyan who was hypnotized there. His headband was a birthday present from Shunhyan which Munsu took it after he died.
 Pi?000A desert bat which had followed Monryo before he died and had afterward followed Munsu and Sando. It’s a very cute and understanding pet, always cries "Pi pi". But Munsu never actually gives it a name nor seems to give a damn much about it.(darn, if he doesn’t want that thing he can give it to me any time! I’d like to have a pet that cute! *squee*)